Honest Diaper Review
Adorable and they work! Not the twins, the diapers!
I’ve been down this path before, the natural diaper path. It was over 15 years ago with my oldest son. It didn’t go so well, there was this horrible diaper blowout in line at the post office that ran down my leg into my flip flop…I’m still traumatized.
Enter Honest Diapers. About a year ago I happened to be reading an article on Jessica Alba in Health Magazine, she was talking about her company which carries natural diapers among other things. It really got my attention since I spend a large part of my day changing diapers with twins, and I’m all about natural, when it works.
I went on the website, and they had me at “ultra absorbent”. Ok, I admit it was really because I was totally smitten with how cute they are. After a quick comparison of what I was paying for my Huggies Pure & Natural diapers, I couldn’t believe the price was pretty much the same, plus it included wipes. I decided to bite the bullet, and place an order. When the box arrived my mom, older daughter, and I oohed and aahed (seriously no exaggeration). The diapers really are darling.
Skip ahead almost a year later, and I’m still using them. If you do experience leaking, I suggest going up a size. With the proper size, I haven’t had any blowouts or leaking-even at night.
A word of warning when you order samples or a bundle, it automatically generates a subscription. If you don’t want to subscribe, be sure to cancel right away. You have to call in to cancel, which is definitely not convenient.
*update since this blog post was written – these diapers and other fantastic Honest products are available at Whole Foods, Target, and elsewhere. Besides the diapers, I couldn’t make it through my day without the healing balm and wipes. I also moved on and through their training pants. Happy to announce the twins are potty trained, but I continue using other Honest products.
The Honest Company website: https://www.honest.com/
**Check out some of their items here by clicking on the Amazon link below. This link is an affiliate link, your purchase costs will be the same but The Masala Girl will automatically receive a small commission, thanks for your support. 🙂